
My name is Chris Chang-Bacon, and I am an assistant professor of education at the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development.

My research explores equity in multilingual and multicultural contexts, particularly focusing on the intersections of language, race, and policy in education.

As a former high school English teacher, K-12 Literacy Coach, and Peace Corps Volunteer, my scholarship stems from over a decade of work in urban, international, and multilingual educational settings.

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Chang-Bacon, C. K., & Salerno, A. S., (2023). Classroom as neo-national microcosm: Training teachers to disrupt neo-national microaggressions. TESOL Quarterly. Advance Online Publication. http://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3220 



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Chang-Bacon, C. K. (2022). “We sort of dance around the race thing”: Race-evasiveness in teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education. 73(1) 8-22. https://doi.org/10.1177/00224871211023042




Chang-Bacon, C. K. (2021). Generation interrupted: Rethinking “students with interrupted formal education” (SIFE) in the wake of a pandemic. Educational Researcher. 50(3), 187-196. https://journals.sagepub.com/oi/full/10.3102/0013189X21992368



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Chang-Bacon, C. K. (2021). Monolingual Language Ideologies and the Idealized Speaker: The “New Bilingualism” Meets the “Old” Educational Inequities. Teachers College Record. 123(1). https://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentId=23558


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